The Church of God in Germany partners with other Christians, fellowships and churches that share the following common characteristics:

  • They recognize the Bible’s Old and New Testaments as the Word of God and as the foundation of their preaching, their doctrine and their life.
  • They confess the good news of salvation in Christ and that sinners are saved through grace alone by faith, as testified to in the Bible.
  • The members of their churches profess a personal faith in Jesus Christ and exhibit an earnest willingness to conduct their life in accordance with the will of God.
  • They assume responsibility for other people – within the scope of their possibilities – and see their main mission as proclaiming the good news of God’s love, in both word and deed.
  • They affirm constitutional democratic principles based on the Christian concept of humanity as the foundation for social coexistence.

Evangelical and Protestant free churches and free church fellowships in Germany joined forces in 1926, forming the Association of Protestant Free Churches (Vereinigung Evangelischer Freikirchen, or VEF). The association aims to promote the member churches’ common mission, to intensify fellowship between the various churches and to represent their common concerns in public.
The VEF presently consists of thirteen member churches and two guest churches. The Church of God in Germany is one of the member churches. Marc Brenner has been a member of the VEF Board since 2014 and President of VEF since 2023.
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In 1990, theologians and historians from various free churches in Germany established the Society for Free Church Research (Verein für Freikirchenforschung). Today, the society includes members from 27 denominations. Members include both professional and lay historians representing 12 different countries. These 180 individuals and 21 institutes work hand in hand to promote research within the scope of free church studies.
Each year, the society organizes two meetings (a symposium in the spring and a workshop in the fall), featuring presentations on particular areas of special focus. It also engages with research reports on current issues.
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The German Evangelical Alliance (Deutsche Evangelische Allianz) brings together Christians from various churches and communities for the purpose of fostering Christian fellowship, strengthening each other in their common faith and partnering in building the kingdom of God. The Evangelical Alliance does not see its mission in the institutional or organizational association of churches, but rather in the cooperation of Christians as an organic and personal fellowship. Its focus is on the vibrant fellowship of believers in Jesus – not an ecumenical community or organization of churches.
Today, the World Evangelical Alliance is present in 122 nations and on all continents. The German Evangelical Alliance has local groups in approximately 1,250 towns. It currently includes 329 divisions and associations operating across the country.
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Royal Rangers is an international youth program that uses a scouting format and has reached over 2.5 million children and youth around the world since its launch in 1962.

In Germany, this Christian scout association currently has over 400 active “outposts” (local groups) and is part of the national youth ministries of the BFP (the German branch of the Assemblies of God). The first outpost within the Church of God was founded in 1985 in Güglingen (RR 16). Today, nearly 20 Churches of God in Germany have an active Royal Rangers program.
The work of the Royal Rangers is characterized by two main aspects: the scouting format and the Great Commission. Its motto is “Ready!” and primarily refers to a readiness to serve Jesus.
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APCM is an umbrella association for around 70 missionary-sending organizations that are structured as corporations under public law or as non-profit organizations.
The networking among APCM member organizations provides for fruitful synergies. Furthermore, through its members, APCM has access to a global network of contacts extending into the most distant countries around the globe. Today, it’s possible to establish contacts around the world within seconds. Yet everything begins with a passion to make a difference in the world, together. Within the network, members benefit from each others’ experience, expertise and cooperation.
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Various European Pentecostal movements have joined together in the Pentecostal European Fellowship (PEF) as a framework for their cooperation. The PEF pursues the following goals: to glorify God and promote unity within the body of Christ; to analyze and discuss doctrinal, ethical, moral and social issues in the light of God’s Word; and to network with the Pentecostal movements in Europe in order to fulfill the Great Commission together.
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